1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment Command Chronology.
3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion Logs.
11th Marines Chronology.
11th Marines War Journal.
"7th Marines Log" for February 24, 1991.
Bermudez, Joseph S., Jr, . "Iraqi Missile Operations During Desert Storm - Update." Janes Intelligence Review, May 1991, p. 225.
"Breaching Operations, 7th Marines Log", February 24, 1991.
Chemical and Biological Warfare in the Kuwait Theater of Operations: Iraqs Capability and Posturing, Defense Intelligence Agency, Undated (but 1990).
"Chemical Warfare Agent Detectors Probe the Fogs of War," Chemical and Engineering News, August 1, 1994.
"Command Chronology for Period 1 January to 28 February 1991," 7th Marines.
"Command Chronology for the 1st Combat Engineering Battalion, 1 Jan to 28 Feb 91," March 15, 1991.
"DIA Answers to Questions from OSAGWI" , Undated,(but 1997).
DIA Intelligence Information Report, June 2, 1997, Subject: "Iraqi Ordnance Clean-up Operations in Kuwait."
Department of Defense Final Report to Congress, "Conduct of the Persian Gulf War," April, 1992.
"Fox Reconnaissance Vehicle," Information Paper, July 31, 1997.
Gulf War Weather, United States Air Force Tactical Air Command/TN - 92/003, March, 1992.
Heflin, Ron CWO3, Ordnance destroyed in SWA, NAVEODTECHEN, 1997. Note, Table A shows all USMC ordnance found to be unfit for transport back to the U.S. and were destroyed in place as well as some foreign ordnance on the bottom of this list.
Intelligence Report, Iraqis Prepositioned Chemical Munitions, ARCENT, March, 1991.
Investigation to Inquire into the Circumstances surrounding the Possible Exposure of Sergeant [Name Deleted] USMC to Chemical Agents During Operation Desert Storm. 1st MEF, USMC, 22 Feb 1994.
Iraqi Chemical Warfare: Analysis of Information Available to DOD (U), Section 11 (U) Possible CW Agent Release, Department of Defense Intelligence Oversight Committee Report, June 16, 1997.
Lead Sheet 748, Interview with Fox Expert, 30 April 1996.
Lead Sheet 3873, Interview with the 3rd Tank Battalion Commander, 15 May 1997.
Lead sheets 5156, Interview with OIC of the 245th PSYOPS Detachment, U.S. Army, 20 May, 1997.
Lead sheets 5181, Interview with member of the 245th PSYOPS Detachment, U.S. Army, 30 May 1997.
Lead Sheet 5273, Interview with the 3rd Tank Battalion Logistician (S4), 17 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5274, Interview with 1st MarDiv NBC Officer, 13 June 1997 and other dates.
Lead Sheet 5277, Interview with OIC 1st Platoon, 2 FSSG EOD, 16 May 1996 and 17 June 1997
Lead Sheet 5278, Interview with Major from 2 FSSG EOD, 16 May 1996 and 18 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5279, Interview with MALS 16 Officer in Charge, 17 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5296, Interview with member of 1st Platoon EOD, 17 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5299, Interview with 1st MarDiv NBC Staff, 18 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5310, Interview with 1st MarDiv Fox MM-1 Operator, 19 June 1997.
Lead sheet 5325, Interview with Task Force Ripper NBC Officer, 18 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5331, Interview with member of 1st Platoon EOD, 24 June 1997.
Lead Sheets 5337, Interview with 1st MarDiv NBC Staff, 24 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5354, Interview with Task Force Grizzly Commander, 30 June 1997.
Lead Sheets 5353 and 5359, Interview with Fox 5604 driver, 7 Dec 1993, 31 May 1996 and 27 June 1997.
Lead Sheets 5357, Interview with 1st MarDiv Executive Officer, 30 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5358, Interview with the 3rd Tank Battalion NBC officer, 30 June 1997.
Lead Sheet 5390, Interview with member of 1st and 2nd Platoon EOD, 2 July 1997.
Lead Sheet 5391, Interview with Fox 5604 Wheel man, 2 July 1997.
Letter by Fox Vehicle 5604 Driver Concerning Possible Chemical Attack, December 22, 1993.
Letter by Task Force Task Force Ripper NBC Officer Concerning Possible Chemical Attack, Undated - but prepared in 1993.
"Marine Corps NBC Defense in Southwest Asia," Marine Corps Research Center Research Paper #92-0009, Captain T. F. Manley, July 1991.
Memorandum from Marine Corps Casualty Section, Subject: "Chemical Casualties During Desert Shield/Desert Storm," March 11, 1996.
Message from COMUSMARCENT - G-3, 0313592 Feb 91.
"Mission Oriented Protective Posture and Chemical Protection," August 30 1997.
"Persian Gulf Special Summary," Central Intelligence Agency, September 1990.
Peterlick, Daniel Capt., EOD Situation Report for the period 23 February 1991 through 31 March 1991, MALS-16, 10 April 1991, enclosure 1 and enclosure 3.
Task Force Ripper (1st Battalion, 7th Marines) Command Chronology for the Period 1 January to 28 February 1991.
Testimony of CWO Joseph P. Cottrell, USMC, at the Hearing before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, November 18, 1993.
Testimony of Fox Subject Matter Expert, Mr. Richard Vigus, CBDCOM, before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives, November 18, 1993.
Testimony of Fox Vehicle 5604 Driver Concerning Possible Chemical Attack, Investigation to Inquire into the Circumstances surrounding the Possible Exposure of Sergeant [Name Deleted] USMC to Chemical Agents During Operation Desert Storm, September 22, 1993.
Testimony of GySgt George J. Grass, Task Force Ripper Fox Vehicle Commander, May 1, 1996, to the Presidential Advisory Committee.
Testimony of GySgt George J. Grass, Task Force Ripper Fox Vehicle Commander, May 7, 1997, to the Presidential Advisory Committee.
Testimony of GySgt George J. Grass, Task Force Ripper Fox Vehicle Commander, Investigation to Inquire into the Circumstances surrounding the Possible Exposure of Sergeant [Name Deleted] USMC to Chemical Agents During Operation Desert Storm, January 11, 1994.
Testimony of GySgt George J. Grass, Task Force Ripper Fox Vehicle Commander, December, 1996, Government Reform and Oversight Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives.
Testimony of Mr. James Kenny, Task Force Ripper Fox MM-1 Operator, to the Presidential Advisory Committee, May 7, 1997.
Testimony of Lt. Gen. Carlton W. Fulford, Jr., before the Armed Services Committee, U.S. Senate, February 27, 1997.
Testimony of Task Force Ripper NBC Officer Concerning Possible Chemical Attack, Investigation to Inquire into the Circumstances surrounding the Possible Exposure of Sergeant [Name Deleted] USMC to Chemical Agents During Operation Desert Storm, December 14, 1993.
The United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict, United Nations, New York, 1996.
The Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Persian Gulf War Health Effects, June, 1994.
U.S. Army/Marine Corps FM 3-4/FMFM 11-9, "NBC Protection."
U.S. Army FM 3-9 U.S. Navy NAVFAC Publication P-467 U.S. Air Force Manual 355-7, "Potential Military Chemical/Biological Agents and Compounds," December 12, 1990.
U.S. Army, FM 3-100, "NBC Operations." 1985.
U.S. Army FM 3-101-2, "NBC Reconnaissance Squad/Platoon (FOX) Operations - Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures," August 10, 1994.
U.S. Army, Message Form, Subject: MARCENT Report, 240955C Feb 91.
U. S. Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991: With the 1st Marine Division in Desert Shield and Desert Storm," History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington D.C., 1993.
U. S. Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991: With the 2d Marine Division in Desert Shield and Desert Storm," History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington D.C., 1993.
U.S. Navy Ships Technical Manual Chapter 470 Change 4, September 91, "Shipboard BW/CW Defense and Countermeasures."
Vigus, Richard, Summary of MM-1 Spectra, U.S. Army Chemical Biological Defense Command, 15 Feb 1994.
Watts, Barry D. And Kearny, Dr. Thomas A., Gulf War Air Power Survey (GWAPS), Volume II, Effects and Effectiveness, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993.
Worldwide Chemical Detection Equipment Handbook, Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center, October 1995.
Wronka, Dr. John, Analysis of MM-1 Data, Bruker DALTRONICS, 15 July 1997.
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