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File: aaabm_02.txt2 AUGUST 1990: IRAQ INVADES KUWAIT The invasion of peaceful Kuwait by aggressor Iraq may have been a surprise to some people, but the intensity of the world's reaction to the Iraqi invasion on the night of 2 August 1990, was not a total surprise, and neither was the intensity of United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) involvement in the response. Any contingency on this side of the world means involvement by USAFE. The movement of troops, weapons systems, equipment and supplies to Southwest Asia (SWA) would draw heavily on the support of USAFE people and resources, but their response was characteristically keen. The Engineering and Services Readiness Center (ESRC) was hard at work even as Saddam Hussein's forces were marching into Kuwait. As an integral part of the Headquarters (HQ) USAFE Operations Support Center (OSC), the ESRC is one of only two cells manned year around. On the evening of Friday, 2 August 1990, Captains Steve Rose and Patrick Ryan were finishing the last day of a month of shift work at a higher state of alert for Operations SHARP EDGE when the news came over the wire. Captain Rose was among the very first in Europe to learn of President Bush's decision to deploy the 1st Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) from Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Virginia, to Saudi Arabia. Monitoring the World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) for Operation SHARP EDGE, he received first notification of the imminent deployment, Operation DESERT SHIELD, and immediately notified the USAFE Emergency Action Cell, who in turn notified CINCUSAFE. From that point forward, the staff of the ESRC and the Readiness Division became the nerve center for all USAFE Engineering, Services and Air Base Operability (ES&ABO) activities for the war. When word came to activate the HQ USAFE Crisis Action Team for Operation DESERT SHIELD, the OSC was brought up to contingency manning strength to integrate functional activities for the USAFE Commander-In-Chief (CINCUSAFE), General Robert Oaks, and his staff. For the next eight months, the OSC team would be the focal point for all USAFE actions, channeling requirements for the deployment of over 500,000 troops, their weapons, and support equipment to SWA. their task was large and exceedingly important, for without support services the mighty air armada assembling for war could become a giant static display. The HQ USAFE ES&ABO team was lead by Brigadier General John R. Harty, Deputy Chief of Staff for ES&ABO, his assistant, Colonel Dabney S. Craddock, III, and his directors, Colonel Robert Morris, Engineering and Construction; Colonel Daniel Tatum, Housing and Community Services; Colonel Charles hand, Operations and Maintenance; Mr Carl Wolfram, NATO Infrastructure; Colonel Daniel Barker, Planning and Programming; and Colonel Marlin Kitchen, Air Base Operability. These officers and the men and women on their staffs would serve as a source of action, information, and problem-solving expertise that would be critically important to the success of the contingency in the challenging months that lay ahead for USAFE. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Smith, Chief of the Operations and Maintenance Directorate Readiness Division, quickly organized his team of players. At first having to work entirely in secrecy with less than five people in the
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