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File: aaapf_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 10

                            002 BASE SUPPLY STORE

   1. The  Government  will provide and the contractor will establish and
   maintain two (2)  temper tents as a supply store to be manned 24-hours
   per day, seven (7)  days per week or at times mutually agreed to by
   both the contractor  and Government.

   2. The  following  types of items will be provided to the Government
   as initial and  replacement  items.

       a..	  Water, and cooler 5 gal.  The contractor will supply an
   initial issue in-place for each government occupied housing tent and
   trailer.  Replacement will be made from the service store when
   customers turn in empty bottles as proof of need.

       b.  Light bulbs.

       c.  Toilet paper.

       d.  Small garbage bags.

       e.  Replacement items (i.e. linens, towels, pillows, etc.).

       f.  Water, 1/2 liter bottles.  The contractor will provide
   potable bottled water for issue in the dining facility.

   3.  All supply store issues will be accountable.

                 OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES - Base Supply Store

            		                                      Unit           SR
   Description     	       Unit           Price          Price

   Sheets, Twin                    Each

   Pillow Cases                    Each

   Blanket, Twin                  Each

   Towel, Bath                     Each

   Towel, Hand                    Each

   Face Cloth                       Each

   Water                               Per Bottle
   (5 gal/20 liter
   for coolers)

   Water                              Per Liter
   (1/2 liter bottles)

   Cleaning Supplies            Per tent/

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