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File: aaasx_03.txt
Page: 03
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11.  CURRENT SITUATION:  The 4 TFW (P)/DE presently has two dozers, 
three loaders, 16 dump trucks, two excavators, two rollers, three 
graders, two 4,000 gallon diesel trucks, and four 5,000 gallon water 
trucks.  The present contract is scheduled to expire and this site 
needs to retain some of this equipment for reasons stated in para-
graph 10.  The quantities have been reduced with the exception of the 
water trucks.  Due to the tremendous amount of water being hauled to 
the site, six water trucks are needed.  Also, if the water contrac-
tor either reduces the quantity he is hauling, or stops hauling all 
together, we will need these trucks to keep providing water to this 
site.  There is an additional requirement for two 4,000 gallon sewer 
trucks.  Presently a contractor is pumping out sewage from tent city.  
The contractor has one truck, and due to the population increase 
beyond the scope of his contract, he is barely able to keep up with 
this task.  New Harvest Falcon Latrine Units have been installed on 
the flightline.  With this new requirement on top of the population 
increase, we are requesting two sewage trucks to keep up with the 

12.  IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED:  Civil Engineering will have no ability 
to perform any type of Pavement and Grounds type construction, and 
will completely degrade our ability to do maintenance and repair.  
We will no longer have any water hauling capability, and this will 
have an immediate effect on mission accomplishment at this site.

13.  SITE APPROVAL:  The site on which this equipment will be used 
has been approved for use by USAF forces, and permission has been 
granted by the government of Saudi Arabia.  REF ALKH 91-0001

14.  AVAILABILITY:  The equipment is presently being supplied by two 
separate contractors; Abdull Mohsen M. Al-Jaser Est.  P.O. Box 41238 
Riyadh Tele:  478-1620; Heif H. A. Hawey Est. Harad Road Al Kharj 
Tele:  548-2538.  The first contractor (Al Jaser) has not provided 
reliable equipment, and has not performed the maintenance to keep 
this equipment running.  Recommend all equipment be rented from Heif 
H. A. Hawey Est. or some other contractor other then Al-Jaser.  
Maintenance should be provided by the contractor renting the 
[(b)(2)]						Site POC:  [(b)(2)]
			Col, USAF		CENTAF POC:  [(b)(2)]

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