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File: aabax_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 12

			patrols notified. Tango-l/Ramp-1 setting up 500 foot
			cordon per direction of EOD. 0245: Termination of ground 
			emergency by EOD/SSgt Berringer. All post and patrols 
			notified. (MSJ) 
30 	0315 		PERIMETER SWEEP: Ninja/TSgt Hawes notified this office 
			that a complete exterior perimeter sweep was completed, 
			all in order. tMSJ) 
31 	0540 		POST/STATUS CHECKS: Post/status checks were conducted as 
			required this tour of duty. (MSJ) 
32 	0600 		BDOC PELIEF: TSgt Speer/SrA Bell relieved SSgt Olsen/SSgt 
			Jones of all duties and responsibilities (MSJ) 

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