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File: aabfg_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 20


(1) Discussion: We have no indoor facilities for AGE mechanics
to work; all repairs are done outside. The AR shop is located in a
temper tent, but the inability to get large pieces into the tent
forces much work to be done outside. The same applies to armament.

(2) PROPOSED SOLUTION: Six G.P. shelters--three at each end
of the ramp would solve our problems. 

(3) (U) Request CENTAF/LGM source the assets and deliver as soon as

B.  (U) Morale and postal support.

(1) (U) DISCUSSION: We go days at a time without seeing a "Star
and Stripes", and the mail situation is sporadic at best. Both
situations directly translate to a morale issue. It may not be
broken, but it's only hitting on about three cylinders.

(2) (U) PROPOSED SOLUTION: Find the right "belly button" to push
and turn up the heat so these vital links with the outside world get
delivered to the "end of the line."

(3) (U) REQUESTED SUPPORT: Your continued effort to fix it.


A. PROBLEM: Transportation facilities at King Fahd are

(1) DISCUSSION: All Refueling Maintenance Operations are
conducted outside in an unprotected environment, and we have no
facility to store refueler maintenance equipment.

(2) PROPOSED SOLUTION: A portable hangar just arrived to cover
this requirement. Thanks!


1. The Combat Support Element is fully manned and providing all
required support.

A. PROBLEM: The Civil Engineer lacks the 5KV, 1/0 aluminum
cable required to install the 4.16KV transformers.

(l) DISCUSSION: All transformer parts have been found. The
5KV, OT cable is being sourced at Myrtle Beach AFB supply.

(2) PROPOSED SOLUTION: HQ CENTAF/DE coordinate shipment once

(3) REQUESTED SUPPORT: Direct-the shipment of the 50,000 feet

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