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File: aabfs_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 23


                                                          [(b)(l)sec3.4 (b)(6)]

S:  When you got to the KKMC Airport, it probably was not
meeting the standards of a CONUS-based air station.  Could
you explain a little bit about the improvements that were
made on this airfield under your supervision?

M: First of all, we did not have an all-weather airfield here.
We didn't have runway or approach lights that meet the
minimum standards for an all-weather airfield. We did have
an ILS [Instrument Landing System], did have a TACAN
[Tactical Air Navigation], but we did not have radar
approach control: certainly did not have a PAR [Precision
Approach Radar].

At the time, the Army had a tactical radar unit here, which
was capable of giving PARs; however, it was very unreliable
so the Air Force traffic did not rely on it; did not usually
even contact them prior to landing. The runway itself was
deteriorating. The runway needed to be repainted.

The center-line lights, which were originally installed on
the runway, were removed.  There were no taxiway lights.
The only taxiway lights were the center-line, high-speed,
taxiway system; but there were no blue taxi lights to mark
the edge. This caused problems. There were no taxiway
signs to designate which taxiways were which.
	.	.
We had to bring in communications systems completely, using
the 1st Combat Communications Group and their communications
facilities. We had to build parking ramps. There were none 
except for the civilian ramp, which is approximately 1000 by.


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