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File: aabgb_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 17

    E: Per day, we have-three eight-ships that come in, and we turn
    them twice out of here; so we generate, on an average day,
    48 sorties out of here. We will get occasional stopovers.
    The other aircraft in the wing know that this is a good
    place to stop and be gassed, so if they run low on gas, they
    will stop in here. Yesterday was our high day so far. We
    turned 65 sorties out of here, but generally speaking it is
    around 48 to 50 a day
    S: Is the detachment commander rotated like the maintenance
    E: He is rotated on about a 10-day to 2-week rotation schedule.
    S: So we could expect you to be here for about another week,
    and then you will be replaced by another detachment
    E: Hopefully, only another week.
    S: Have you flown combat missions with the F-16 out of this FOL
    [forward operating location]?
    E: Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, I was in the first group
    that came up here on the very first day we had operations.
    As a limited operations, we only turned once out of here
    instead of twice. Then I was here the very first day that
    we had a full operations schedule. The first day we did it,
    we only turned 24 sorties, the second day 24, and then the
    third day of ops out of here, we upped it to 48. I came
    back the first day and the third day. Since I have been the
    detachment commander, I usually fly once a day.
    S: Can you describe some of your combat flights?

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