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File: aabnz_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 3

         b. You do not need to carry food, water, medical
         supplies or any other extraneous material. These are
         prepositioned in the shelter.

        4. Taking only what is required should allow timely
        response to alarms and enable everyone to reach the shelter
        before the doors are closed.

         5. A related subject is the introduction of MOPP ALPHA.
         The attached handout details this MOPP level. We have adopted
         this new or modified MOPP level to provide more flexibility in
         our response to SCUD Launches while still maintaining sufficient
         protection considering the threat. Other factors are:

        a. (U) When a SCUD is launched, there is not sufficient
         time to go from MOPP-O to MOPP-4 prior to impact.

        b. When inside, the mask provides adequate protection
        from vapors and the gloves complete the external protection
        required as long as your clothing does not allow any exposed skin
        (BDU sleeves down).

         6. [(b)(2)]

          [(b)(2)]1 Atch
          Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations       MOPP ALPHA SLIDE



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