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File: aabqn_05.txt
Page: 05
Total Pages: 25


              August 1990

             2     Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait.

             7     President Bush ordered US forces into the Persian Gulf.

            10    HQ AFRES informed the 94th Tactical Airlift Wing (TAW) commander
                    that the potential existed for deployment of the wing for three weeks
                    to an unknown location on a voluntary basis.
            17    Sixteen C-130H aircraft and some 400 volunteers from the 94 TAW,
                    the 908 Tactical Airlift Group (TAG), the 911 TAG, the 928 TAG, and
                    the 440 TAG comprising the 94th Provisional Tactical Airlift Squadron
                    departed for the Persian Gulf for a 31-day deployment in support of
                    Desert Shield.

            18    Deployment of the 94th was halted at a stopover point, RAF
                    Alconbury UK, because of uncertainty over the final destination.
             21   Three aircraft and 120 people departed for Sharjah. Some 300
                    people and 13 aircraft remained at Alconbury.

            22   The 94th began flying missions in support of Desert Shield the day
                   after its arrival at Sharjah.
            26   Three more aircraft departed for Sharjah. The remaining ten aircraft
                   and personnel provided airlift support for the deployment of the 48th
                   Tactical Fighter Wing from the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia.

             September 1990

              7  The last of the aircraft and personnel remaining at Alconbury
                   departed for Sharjah.
	12 Originally scheduled to arrive at Sharjah on 20 August, all aircraft,
                   personnel, and equipment finally arrived on this date.
             14  Most of the volunteers who had deployed in support of Desert
                   Shield returned to Dobbins AFB by chartered commercial aircraft.
	15 The commander and the last of the volunteers returned to Dobbins
                   AFB by C-130H.

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