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File: aabwj_02.txt
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                                             13 Sep 90 - 2000 has

                                             OPERATION DESERT SHIELD
                                            ~ INFORMATION ~ UNDERLINED

             -   USCINCTRANS/CAT responded to the Joint Staff's querry on the
                .transportation feasibility of EUCOMs draft CONOPs and transportation
                  priorities (See the MASR, 12 Sep 90, page 10, second paragraph),
                  Outline as follows:
            --  USCINCCENT medical passengers should few exceed 3600 per day.

            --  Personnel should be put on TPFDD in 1000 passenger                       .
                 increments in an "on call" status.
          --(U)TRANSCOM  pointed out to J4-LRC that the theater commander
             (i.e., USCINCCENT) sets movement priorities and transportation
              feasibility would  dependent  ClNCCENTs priorities once
              hostilities commenced.

        (Source: USCINCTRANS/CAT  message, 122240Z Sep 90 Transportation
        Medical Personnel)


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