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File: aabwr_02.txt
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       ~                                   ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~
                                       OPERATION DESERT SHIELD
                          OTHER SIGNIFICANT MEDICAL ACTIVITIES (Continued)
                                     ~ INEORMATION ~ UNDERLINED
     - (U) CINCMAC/CC message 1123202 Sep 90 to CSAF/CV discusses the
     flacal impact on the already underfunded C-9A program. Recent FAA
               _ . _
     directed mandatory inspections of the aging aircraft, cumulative
      years ~ underfunding, ~ new ~ logistic support contract have   -
     combined to double the annual cost of operations. Given its current
      _ _ .
     backfill missions supporting normal C-141/130 miss10ns' the C-9
     ~:mf~ ~ ~ it
        _ . _ _
     noted above)
     - J-4 messages 1121412 and 1122052 Sep 90 to EuCOM and OASD(HA)
     . _ . .
     respectively, discuss Joint Staff concurrence, in principle, with
      .                               _ _ .
     EuCOM CONOPS for using contingency hospitals as part of its medical
                     . , .
        support to DESERT SHIELD. The 1121412 message to EUCOM, CENTCOM and
     ~ _ SCOM, raises questions relative to transportation feasib111ty.
     Concern revolves around sufficiency of transport assets and movement
                                  priority. The 1122052 message recommends that SECDEF request
      .                               _ , ,                               .
     Secretary of State negotiate with governments of Us and Germany to
      . _
       obtain approval to activate contingency hospitals and to provide any
                  . _ , _
     host nation support as may be required. (Source: as noted above j
                                   - A verbal update on current planring for tbe 250-bed
      ospital {CH) for Seeb, Oman: Advon team {80 personnel} projected to
      ~1ve approximately C+55 {1 Oct). An additional 44 medical
     _  - - - _
     personnel should arrive at the CH by C+75 (21 Oct). Goal is to have
                        _ _
                        a 75 bed capability on or about C+80 (26 Oct). Projected specialty
                                    _ .
     care available at that time should include orthopedics general
     surgery and ENT, with radiology and lab services also operational.
       _ . . .


     For ~ time being, TPPDD entries ~ remain ~ currently listed.
     SHEAF is drafting a 250-bed contingency hospital activation plan per
     _ _
     a tasking from CENTCOM. The draft should be available for review 13
                         . _ _ .
     ~ 90 and all effected MAJCOM/SG offices w111 be receiving a copy.
     After final coordination of this activation plan the TPFDD will be
     refined to reflect the plan.
           _ .
     (Sources: telecon between HQ uSAF/SGHR {Caps Ebling) and Ha MAC/SGRX
     ~ ~^ ~ -Gus
     USAF/SGHR{MRC) (SSgt Harshman) and CENTAF/SGX tMSet BiBbop), on 12
     - Opdate on ATH from ARB FL to King Fahd
     are either en ~ ~
      .       . . , _ . _                                        .
           for this ATE should be in the FOR ~ 17 Sep.
      .       . . .
     source: telecon between HQ USAF/SGHR (Caps Ebling) and HQ TACOPS/SGAX

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