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File: 110196_aacaa_02.txt
Page: 02
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6 (U) lndustrial hygiene surveys continue to be conducted by our
         8iE technician. Most shops perform less sophisticated war! than
         home station, and fewer tonal hazards. A zinc
         chromate pricer is being used by structural maintenance personnel.
         The spraying, however, is minimal, and is accomplished outdoors
         with good ventilation. Several aye injuries have occurred due to
         aircraft wash soap contacting the conjunctive. These 1ncldences
         seem to be related to poor fitting goggles. This matter has been
         coordinated with ground safety, and better fitting goggles are on
         order Hazardous noise remains difficult to monitor since no
         equipment exists here to monitor noise over time. However, workers
         in high noise shops are all on the hearing conservation program at
         their respective home stations, Additionally, supervisors age
         actively monitoring their workers for use of hearing protection
      7.  Water monitoring is performed weekly.  No significant water
           problems have been noted recently.  For several weeks, residual
        chlorine levels had dropped to zero, associated with an increase in
        ambient temperature. Civil engineering has since increased the
        amount of chlorine added to the water supply. Coliform Colony
        counts have remained at zero througbout this time. specla
        should be made of several water samples Yielding false posltlves
        using the M272 chemical agent water test kit. Water samples from
        local sources were initially collected using whirl-pak thio-bags.
        These samples tested positive for lewisite and cyanide. Later
        testing with same source water collected in a container without
        chemical additives yielded negative results.  We believe the
        thiosulphate in the whirI-paks was responsible for the false
        positive tests. This was passed on to CENPAF/SG via message, and
        we appreciate the fact that SG recognized the astuteness of our BEE
        technician in determining the source of the false pave.
        8.(U) Environmental health continues regular monitoring if food
        and sanitation facilities. The base dining facility continues to
        function with good sanitation practices. The produce and meat

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