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File: 110196_aacbg_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 11

Services Medical Regulating Office In CONUS worked closely with USAFE
        to plan and coordinate these critical patient movements.
        	A new initiative was the USAFE-staffed Medical Evacuation Cell
        which liaisoned with HQ UK Land Forces at RAF Wilton for joint patient
        movement issues. This cell was the key link between the AECC and JMRO
        to ensure US and British casualties from the Gulf were promptly moved
        to USAF Contingency Hospitals or British National Health Service
        Hospitals. Nearly 320 patients from both countries were assisted by
        this team.
       	Patient tracking is essential to manage bed availability,  patient
        transportation, and medical care.  Equally important is the ability to
       answer family member questions about hospitalized military personnel.
       In response to this requirement, HQ USAFE/SG, SC, and DP worked
       closely to develop an automated system which was responsive to MAJCOM,
       Family Services, Casualty Affairs, base, and MTF requirements, yet
       simple to employ.  Using stand alone desk-top computers, software for
       the Contingency Hospital Patient Locator (CHPL) was deployed in record
       time to EUCOM hospitals. The software interfaced with the peacetime
       Automated Quality of Care Evaluation Support System (AQCESS] and
       required few procedural changes. Hospitals used the system to produce
       patient reports which were passed to a central information center via
       the Defense Data Network. The jointly staffed information center
       updated the data base every 6-12 hours to maintain the most current
       	The centrally collected information was available to many
       different agencies, to include the Joint Chiefs of Staff. the Office
       of the Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, EUCOM. EUCOM postal
       services, and component service commanders and surgeons. CHPL also
       supported the Royal Air Force by identifying NATO forces hospitalized
       intheater medical treatment facilities.
        	ASF's are bedded medical holding facilities which provide patient
        reception, restabilization, holding. and transfer services for A/E
        patients transiting an airfield. [ Remainder of line was unreadable, see IMAGE FILE]
        established in EUCOM, totaling 1,450 beds.  Buildings of opportunity
       near the flightline housed ASF's at Rhein Main AB GE (250 beds),
       Ramstein AB GE {250 beds), Nurnberg GE {50 beds), Torrejon AB SP (250
       beds), RAF Mildenhall UK (100 beds), RAF Waddington UK (150 beds), and
       LEAF Upper Heyford UK (400 beds).
        	Manpower to Support the ASFs was provided by USAFE medical
        personnel until relieved by approximately 1,000 CONUS Reserve

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