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File: 110196_aacbg_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 11

propositioned BDCs collected, classified, and shipped 1200 units of
        blood at a minimum volume of 50 units per day. During the period
        2 Aug 90 - 3 Mar 91, USAFE BDCs collected 39l2 units of blood. The
         following is a breakdown of units collected:
                                                       UNIT Of BLOOD
         BLOOD DONOR CENTER (BDC)                        COLLECTED
         36 TFW Hosp Bitburg                                708
         39 TG Hosp Incirlik                                   560
         48 TFW Hosp RAF Lakenheath                          737
         401 TFW Hosp Torrejon                              591
         20 TFW Hosp RAF Upper Heyford                      242
         7100 CSW MEDCEN Wiesbaden                         1074
         Total                                             3012

        The overwhelming support at USAFE blood drives minimized the
        requirement for blood component deliveries from the CONUS Armed
        Services Blood Program Office, and allowed the CONUS program to direct
        their blood component support to CENTCOM.

        USAFE's introduction of frozen blood storage and reconstitution
        technology was an important upgrade which flowed from DS/PF. Over
        4,000 units of frozen blood were shipped from the Armed Services Whole
        Blood Processing Laboratory in CONUS through USAFE BTCs to USAFE
        hospitals. The light casualty load required no use of this blood;
        however, with a shelf life of 10 years, the frozen blood remains a
        valued standby resource.


        Air combat operations during DS/PF required the support of USAFE
        Aeromedical Services team members from 14 USAFE bases.  Flight
        surgeons and aeromedical technicians deployed to Saudi Arabia, Turkey,
        the United Arab Emirates, France, Italy, and Greece where they
        provided preventive medicine services and direct medical care to
        aviators and ground support personnel. Flight surgeons routinely
        advised commanders of the physical and mental conditions of their
        aviators and monitored flight safety indicators. Two USAFE Air
        Transportable Clinics were deployed and utilized at locations where
        [              ] facilities were inadequate for medical operations.  USAFE
        aeromedical team members contributed directly to the low aircraft
        mishap rate and extremely good health of deployed personnel.


       Many CONUS units transiting USAFE during DS/PF verbally requested
        issue of chemical warfare antidotes and other medical items.  In the
       absence of a process to validate requests and pay for the items, USAFE
       medical logisticians issued more than $400,000 of WRM before a fund

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