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File: 110196_aacbg_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 11

A 24-bed MASF was activated adjacent to the flight line at
        Incirlik to support the potential casualty flow through the A/E
        system. The staff of 23 Reserve personnel attained fully mission-
        capable status and received valuable training in patient flow
        Incirlik's 25-bed Air Transportable Hospital was moved to the
        Batman FOL pending authorization to set up and activate. Personnel
        were identified and "on call" in Germany for immediate deployment. if
        required. other personnel and equipment were also "on call" in the
        United Kingdom for immediate deployment to provide patient
        decontamination capability at the FOL.
            The Incirlik Blood Transshipment Center was activated and stocked
        at a level commensurate with the projected requirements. The Incirlik
        BTC operated under the guidance and support of the USEUCOM Blood
        Program Office.
        . In summary, AF medical equipment deployments in support of the
        JTF included movement of a 25-bed ATH from Incirlik to the FOL,
        movement of a MASF and in-flight treatment kits from Germany to
        Incirlik, and movement of vehicles and radio gear for the AECE and
        AELT from CONUS to Incirlik. All deployed equipment, save the ATH,
        was set lap, operationally exercised, and fully mission capable.  Most
        assets were fortunately required only for health maintenance and
        general, non-battle related medical care.
        A point yet to be mentioned is the monumental effort put forth by
        other USAFE Deputy Chiefs of Staff offices and other agencies as
        well as host nations to support AF medical operations during DS/PF. A
        fully equipped and staffed hospital requires an extensive supporting
        infrastructure. Utilities, communications, transportation, billeting.
        rations, waste disposal, contract services. and chaplain support are
        but a few of the requirements. Where the US could not fill the need,
        the host nations did. It was truly a team effort.
       The number of military patients brought to Europe was fewer than
       that expected from Prewar calculations, even at the peak of
       operations. All are thankful that We predicted number of casualties
       did not occur. Operation DS/PF provided invaluable experience and new
       insight into planning for regional conflicts. The USAFE Combat
       Casualty Care System will undoubtedly be modified to incorporate the
       lessons learned from this operation.
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