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File: 110196_aacfa_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 18

                    If the casualty has a thin lateral High muscle,
                    Ule injection newt be administered in the upper
                    outer quadrant of the buttocks.
    D. Use dominant hand and grasp autoinjector with needle extending
   beyond thumb and index finger.
    E.  Use other hand to pull safety cap off autoinjector base.
                       DO NOT cover or hold the black (needle)
                       end with your hand or fingers.
         F. Position black end of CANA autoinjector perpendicular against 
injection-site (thigh or huttocks).
 					Figure 2.
                   DO NOT inject into areas close to the hip, knee
                   or thigh bone. For buttocks injections, inject the
                   antidote only into the upper outer portion of the -
                   casualty's buttocks. This avoids hitting the nerve
                   that crosses the buttock. If this nerve is hit, it
                   can cause paralysis.
 G. Inject casualty by applying firm even pressure to injector until
 injector activates and pushes needle through clothes into injection
site. Hold injector in place for at least 10 seconds. (You should be
able to feel the autoinjector activate.

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