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File: 110196_aacoz_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 29


 e. Ensure AFCOMS personnel deploy with a TFE kit to include items
 such as adding machines and price guns

 f. Obtain dust resistant lap top computers with design software
 programs for field-design needs, (electrical load calculations: steel
 and timber design, etc).

 g. Obtain extended range radios with multi-frequencies.

 h. Improve filtraton systems for all air-breathing equipment
 (generators, compressors) and vehicles,

 i. Provide a single main power panel for Harvest Falcon aircraft
 maintenance hangars.

 j. Review WRSK for all vehicles and heavy equipment to ensure
 long-term adequate repair capability.

 k. Include multi tap transformers capable of a variety of voltage.

 1. Modify the standard AE 32C-39 air conditioning units by
 including a base plate to cover the intake side of the A/C unit. Some
 sites used plywood as a means to keep dust out of the intake side

 m. Environmental Control Units. Cast metal fan pulleys cracked
 easily when removed. Standard gear/wheel pullers cracked the pulley
 when removed for belt replacement. Thermostats are complex and not
 designed for the field. Factory calibrations are set at a 2 degree
 heating and cooling. When day temperatures vary around the target
 setting, the stop knob is weak and bends easily under pressure. This
 allows the thermostat to be set at excessively low temperatures. Wire
 mesh covers should be provided for return air ducts to prevent debris
 fro being sucked into the ducts.

 n. Field Shower Units. Pups supplying water to the shower units
 should be fitted with a pressure tank and a pressure cut off value to
 prevent constant running of pumps. his would save wear and tear on
 the pump units.

 P. Future Emphasis. Phase I1 deployments are being worked to beddown
 an additional 10000-15000 people in the AOR. A1 Kharj will be a new
 bare base consisting now of only a 12000 foot runway, taxiways and
 ramp space. All site work and cantonment area construction will be
 needed and operational NLT 26 Dec 90. At other sites the Phase
 II impact will be focused on expanding existing site capabilities
 (tents, EXP's, ACH, etc).

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