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File: 110196_aacuf_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 4

     (2) Civilian medical support available from Bahrain hospital(about 600
     (3) Aeromedical evacuation need and availability. Contingency
     preparations for massive casualties to be staged at our ASF from above
      facilities and flown via C-l41 to Upper Heyford. Local facilities above
      designated as 3E facilities .

      f. Disease Summary-Non combat operations
      1. 150-200 members of Air Evac and ASF in our villa.
      2. URI
      3. N/A
     4.  N/A
     5. N/A
      7. 0
    9. 0
      10. 0
     11. 0
     12. 0
g .  Diseasee summary-Combat ops:   N/A.
      Of Note is a patient we transported with presumed pyridostigmine
     bromide induced exacerbation of Crohn's disease.

8.   Flight Medicine Program.
     a. No stop-and-go pills used.
 b. Routine Chemical ensemble utilized.                                 -
 c. N/A
 d. Multiple effective inservice training conducted for readiness.
  e Crew rest time was denied to back - end personnel. This
     caused considerable stress until rectified.
 f.  As in 3.   No other bases evaluated

  9. Observations and Recommendations. The morale.initiative and cooperation:
     between the Reserve and Active Duty US Army, Air Force and Navy and the
     British and New Zealand troops was impr essive. Problems were defined and
      rectified at low levels with minimal paperwork and maximal cooperation. It
      was a pleasure to work with men and women whose unspoken motto was "Let's
      get it done right and get home." No recommendations other than 8.e.

    *I was stationed only 20 miles from the Dhahran SCUD assault and was
       protected  by the same Patriot system used there. I was raised in
      Greensburg, Pennsylvania, home of the Army Personnel who were killed in the
      attack. I queried my  commanders about stopping there on the way home to
      talk with grieving families and to offer  support and counselling. The idea was

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