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File: aacad_07.txt
Page: 07
Total Pages: 14

           worked to everyone's advantage. We tried to keep two tents empty
           for arriving personnel at all times or we would put them in the
           morgue on the floor,  anyway, the arriving group would put up
           their own living tents (if any were avail) and we would guide
           them, thus assuring we knew who was going in the tents.
           Lessons' Learned
           - Billeting software is needed for field operation - Software of
           some type is needed desperately in the field for billeting and
           food service. This would greatly speed things up. Word processing
           is also mandatory. Software was being developed in Dhahran but we
           never saw it or heard what happened with it.
           - Seize cots upon arrival - The best way to avoid losing cots to
           transients/flight line personnel is to attack the Conex box (4
           Harvest Falcon Billeting Tents) as soon as it hits the ground by
           either throwing 4 padlocks on the box, or taking the cots to SVS
          storage area as well as the chairs, lights, fire extinguishers,
           buckets, mops et...because they did and will disappear during
           the night. 48 cots come with each box, since supply was not
           present during the build up we controlled the tent boxes and all
            parts which really worked to our advantage yet tasking us with
            another responsibility. Also, I ordered cots from King Fad
            supply three weeks after arrival and they were never received
            before we left. Trading was a large problem in the theater
            supply system. An order would go out, most likely come in
            eventually, and disappear before you knew it arrived. This
            wasn't a problem at our site since we were tight with Supply but
            items we ordered though our Host Base King Fad, rarely made the
            eight hour trip, again dictating the importance of an RM. function
            initially .
           -Order Additional Tents before your need - As dirty as this
            seems, it took what seemed forever to get anything from CENTAF.
            We finally learned as people slept in hangars to beg for tents at
            least two weeks prior to the need based on the shaky and usually
            undetermined personnel projected in...GUESS HIGH...and win the
            wing commanders support...his calling upon the "man", Gen Homer,
            usually stirred the pot for us otherwise we wouldn't have had an
            ounce of support until too late. I spent many days sitting at the
            airfield hoping for Harvest Falcon boxes to arrive.
           - Take Locks - Remember to take locks for everything. It will all
           walk away if it isn't locked up. Long locks for refers are
           definite. Some are included with the 9-1 byt not enough for
           doors , storerooms, and additional refers acquired. Wear and tear
           is fast and replacements are mandatory. Locks for Conex boxes are
           needed as well.  Take them, without contracting, we had no way or
           place to buy any locks for at least 6 weeks and then the sizes we
           needed weren't available.
           - Amenities / Equipment - Equipment that I purchased upon arrival
           of a contracting officer resulted in a definite positive
           influence on the morale of tent city individuals. Things that
           really helped or that I ordered for the camp included ; TV/VCR
           for each squadrons' living tents (the idea was to pass it around
           amongst your unit, usually the first sergeant signed for it.

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