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File: 110796_aacuw_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 6


Shelter Operations

1.  To provide increased survivability to the residents in Shaw bu Dhabi a protective bunker system has been developed.  For tent city residents, the occupants of two tents will build one bunker between their tents (large enough to afford protection for the occupants of both tents).  Also, residents living in the caravans are responsible for building bunkers for protecting themselves.  Location of these bunkers will ultimately be dependent upon the individuals building them.  Disaster Preparedness will issue sandbags and CE will provide the sand.  Furthermore, consideration has been given to utilizing Tab Vs for sheltering personnel in the event of an air attack.  Significant warning time of air attack may not be possible as in the event of a SCUD missile attack.  Therefore, it may prudent to relocate personnel to the Tabs for a 72 hour period or as needed should war appear imminent.

2.  Limited shelter space is available for US personnel in the Tab V structures and space has been allocated based on 10 square feet per person.  Only half of the entire population of US forces at Al Dhafra AB can be sheltered in the Tab Vs at any given time.  Personnel who are in their 12 hour rest period and all 363d MA personnel will be sheltered in the Tab Vs.  Personnel not in their 12 hour rest period will take cover at their mission essential duty locations.

3.  (U) Assumptions:

	a.	(U)  Living conditions in the Tab Vs will be austere and crowded.

	b.	Tab Vs will not be inhabited beyond 72 hours (time needed for US forces to gain air superiority and destroy enemy SCUD missile sites.

	c.	Sufficient time (approx 4 hours) is available to implement/complete sheltering personnel before an attack.

4.  (U) Execution:

              a.  Personnel will, initially, when directed by the wing commander, report to their designated shelter by unit only.  Specific units will be allocated a block of time in which their personnel will report their shelter, i.e., DO personnel report between 0000-0030 hrs, Medical Group personnel report between 0030-0100 hrs, CSE personnel report between 0100-0200 hrs, RM personnel report between 0200-0230 hrs, SAC Supp personnel report between 0230-0245 hrs, MAC ALCE personnel report between report between 0245-0300 hrs, and RF4 Recon personnel report between 0300-0315 hrs.

               b.  (U)  Transportation will bus unit personnel to the shelters and individual units will use their own vehicles to assist in the process.

               c.  Services will stock TAB V, 3N2 with a three day supply of water and MREs and provide replacement stocks of such food supplies as needed.

  	c.  (U)  At least two shelter managers will need to be appointed and trained in the non-nuclear aspect of shelter operations.

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