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File: 110796_aacux_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 5


                I'm in my office, and it is the honest to God truth, right
                in the door of my office walked this Army major from Fort
                Detrick, Maryland. He says, "I'm a biological guy. I
                understand you have had some trouble understanding
                biological warfare." Pretty much like God sitting up there:
                "Send him one!" (laughter} So the guy sat down, and He
                didn't start talking. I said, "Well, tell me about this
                stuff." He started "allaying" my fears about how lethal
                this stuff is.  He said, "First of all, you are exposed to
                anthrax every day of your life."  I didn't know that. He
                said, "We have people dying in the United States from
                anthrax all the time because of things like shearing sheep
                that are sick, and they get these massive doses, and it
                kills them."
            (END SIDE 2, TAPE 1)
                He said, "Those spores are very vulnerable to sunlight, and
                water kills them. Chlorinated water kills the dead, so
                this idea of the getting in the water system here in Saudi
                Arabia and killing people, that's pure horse manure." We
                got to talking, then I sent him down to Buster, and Buster's
                guys started talking to him. That's when we got the idea
                and built the charts. [(b)(1)sec3.4 0(6)]
                (laughter) So that was
                my chart; hit them, and then if you weren't doing that,
                ___________. Buster gave me all that data from working with
                this guy
                So then we went into the meeting.  As best I recall, I
                briefed that it was a problem, and "here's what we are going
                to do." I showed some charts, and so many degrees, and this

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