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File: 111396_aacvt_21.txt
Page: 21
Total Pages: 71

        Coolanol is used to cool critical components of electronic
        countermeasures (ECM) pods on F-15s. LGS personnel found sources
        from CONUS and Europe and arranged their shipment on Desert
        Express. Sufficient quantities arrived within five days of
        identification. Then, special levels were established to allow
        automatic requisitioning when quantities reached certain stock
        levels. Quick reaction to this problem prevented lost sorties from

        One of the biggest issues was replenishment of uniforms, boots,
        and other personal items. The combination of the  harsh
        environment, oils and liquids spilled on uniforms, and laundry
        methods deteriorated clothing faster than normal. In addition,
        some individuals, despite deployment instructions to bring three
        uniforms, deployed only with the uniform they were wearing and
        believed uniforms would be issued upon arrival in the AOR. Since
        DPSC was not prepared to meet the increased demand, Desert BDUs and
        boots were not available for the first six months of the campaign.
        Therefore, two interim measures were taken. First, LGS sent
        messages to all major commands, telling them not to deploy
        personnel unless each individual had at least three sets of BDUs,
        two pairs of boots, and a field jacket. Second, to replace
        uniforms for individuals already in the AOR, LGS purchased 5,000
        sets of Woodland BDUs from AAFES and redistributed them to all
        sites, based on population. In the meantime, LGS also
        requisitioned over 2.5 million dollars in Desert BDUs, desert
        boots,  underwear, socks and desert parkas and pushed quantities

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