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File: 111396_aacvu_07.txt
Page: 07
Total Pages: 10

        cannibalized of some critical items to support the deployed systems. In addition,
        over 370 replacement modules and assemblies were surged in support of the deployed
        systems. Over 2500 hours of overtime were expended on this effort. Ten of forty
        AN/TRN-26 TACAN/Systems were deployed in theater during Operation Desert Storm. Well
        over 200 circuit cards and other sub-assemblies were surged in support of these
        tactical navigation systems. Nine AN/TSW-7 Mobile Control Towers were deployed in
        the Operation Desert Storm theater. One was surged by SM-ALC in support of this
        effort.   Many fixed base ATCALS located at ports serving the Desert Storm theater were
        also supported with replacement items from SM-ALC.

        UMQ-12 SM-ALC provided urgent and rapid support to the USAF Air Weather Service
        (AWS) by procurement and delivery of six Tactical Upper Air Data Collection Instru-
        ments for use in-theater. The requirement was identified to us on 6 November 1990 by
        HQ USAF/XOO. An Inter-service Purchase Request was faxed to the Navy on
        15 November 1990 to piggy-back upon an existing procurement contract. The contact
        with Vaisala Corporation was amended by the Navy to provide the next deliveries to 
        the USAF. The units were delivered in early January 1991 and arrived in-theater on
        23 January 1991. These units enabled the AWS personnel to successfully perform their
            TACS.  One AN/TYC-10 was surged for deployment to USAFE in support of Desert
        Storm.  This included both in-shop support and TDY maintenance support in Germany
        prior to re-deployment of  the equipment in support of Desert Storm. AN/PRC-113's 
       were also provided in support of all services. This required quick response and
        manipulation of contractual deliveries. In addition, numerous repairables were
        surged through our maintenance shops and contract repair activities.

         TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT  The AN/TTC-39 Tactical Telephone Switches installed
          in Saudi Arabia would not work with Northern Telecom, Inc.'s (NTI's), and other North
       American Standard Telephone Switches due to the differences in tone standards. The
       Defense Communications Agency (DCA) requested NTI to develop a prototype circuit card
        to modify the tone on their DMS-100 digital switches at RAF Uxbridge UK so the tele-
        phone switches could communicate with each other. NTI's Bell Northern Research Lab
       then wrote a patch for the software load to pass the tone card diagnostics at a lower
       level. Since Desert Storm, DCA has installed a NTI DMS-100 Digital Switch at
       Ft Huachuca AZ and will install a Seimans KN4100 Digital Switch in the near future.
       These are the basic digital telephone switches used by the armed forces. The DMS-100
      digital switch is installed at the Joint Inter-operability Test Center,
       Ft Huachuca AZ. SM-ALC will provide logistics support (SCOPE DIAL Digital (Switch).
       These switches will allow DCA to perform inter-switch testing between fixed telephone
       systems as well as tactical switches. This will allow for changes to interface
       equipment rather than modifying telephone systems for inter-operability.

       AN/PRC-9O The AN/PRC-90 is a dual-channel, self-powered, fixed frequency per-
       sonal survival transceiver used for two-way voice communications between a downed
       aircrew member and a rescue aircraft. Provisions include a beacon signal (282.0 MHZ)
       to guide rescue efforts. In February 1991, SM-ALC was tasked to modify 1,000 each
       AN/PRC-90-2 Survival Radios to include a variable frequency capability. The modifi-
       cation was required because IRAQ was monitoring the two fixed emergency frequencies
       and were locating our downed airmen before our forces could perform rescue opera-
       tions. SM-ALC developed the modification of the AN/PRC-90-2 for multiple frequency

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