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File: 120596_aabdz_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 7

         temperatures beneath it by 20 degrees was [(b)(1)sec3.4(B)(5)] Other
         elements of the 1703rd also needed the netting, creating a further
         scarcity. With unprotected metal surfaces hot enough to fry eggs,
         the netting prevented equipment breakdown caused by overheating.
          Another item that desperately required storage away from the
          scorching heat was the 1703rd's bottled drinking water. Hot water
          is fine for showers, but a murder to parched throats. The 1703rd
          supply squadron requisitioned enough netting to fill this need
          after a short time.       12
         		The wartime contingency against Iraq also caused a
          shortage of sand bags. Sand bags were filled with the sand found
          in the local area to make shelters called ''bunkers".[(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(5)]

          Therefore, other elements of the 1703rd looked to the security
          police for this much needed item. The supply squadron finally came
          to the rescue with the procurement of an adequate amount of sand
          bags. 13

	         Some of the needs of the security personnel came
          from the indispensable hands of American civilian employees that
          worked at the airport. They were instrumental in the procurement
          of sand and gravel for the sand bags, along with other needed
          items. They also provided the contract labor and even helped with
          the erection of the compound fence.  These angels of mercy helped
          to make the job of setting up the security a little easier.     14
	        However, the Saudis themselves, must also be
         credited with giving the security team a massive amount of support.
         They also provided a large quantity of supplies, and gave the
         personnel much needed transportation. They even invited members to
         morale functions, which included cookouts on the desert.


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