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File: 120596_aacnq_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 27

                 (4) Assigned ATH/Bioenvironmental will:
           		(a) Deploy Staplex air samplers when directed. They
           will monitor the Staplexes after attacks usingM256 Kits, CAM's
           and M-8/M-9 paper/tape. Bioenvironmental 18 solely responsible
           for setting up, operation, and monitoring of staple air sam-
          		(b) Operate Staplexes at the ATH in Tent City (Staplex
           number 1) and the MABCO compound (Staplex number 2).
           		(c) Operate Staplexes at the Main Gate (Staplex number
           3) and TFS Operations building (Staplex number 4).
           		(d) Ensure results of tests are reported to the respec-
           tive ATH control centers and forwarded immediately to the SAC.
                 (5) Security Police will:
           		(a) Ensure Security Police dog handlers report any
           changes in the status of their animals to the Base Defense Opera-
           tions Center (BDOC) during Alarms Red and Black.
           		(b) Ensure, if  no changes in the dogs are apparent when
           Alarm Black is announced, the dog handlers make a negative report
           to BDOC.
          		 (c) Ensure all information that the BDOC receives from
           the dog handler is forwarded to the SRC immediately.
           	(a) Transportation will provide five 4-wheel drive pickup
           trucks for the monitoring teams.

           6. Logistics: All monitoring equipment will be provided by
           ABOS/AON with the exception of Staplexes from Bioenvironmental
           and equipment utilized by 101 Airborne Division.
           7. Communications: The means of communication used may be dic-
           tated by circumstances following an attack.
             	a.  Monitoring teams will use ABOS/AON radios.
              b. Call signs will be assigned upon  issue of the radios.
           	c. Facility Monitors, M8A1 stations, and the 101 Airborne
           Division/TOC will use telephones.
           	d. If telephone lines are cut, radio communication should be
           established with the unit's SRC representative.
           	e.  If the unit cannot contact an SRC representative, communi-
	cation should be established with the Wing Operations Center.
              f. Runners will be used as a last resort.

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