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File: 120596_aacnq_11.txt
Page: 11
Total Pages: 27

          	 i. Station number 9.
           		(1) Supply Fuel Branch Control Center.

           		(2) Located inside Central Pumping Station (water).
           		(3) Telephone number is 3721 (Commercial)
           		(4) M8A1 will be located 200' upwind of fuels Entry Control
		Point light-all.

                     	(5) Two 100' extension cords are required.

           	j. Station number 10.

           		(1) Security Police guard station, Main Gate.

           		(2) Located at the Main Gate.

          		(3) Telephone number is 2537 (Commercial).

           		(4) M8A1 will be located 200' upwind of main gate.

           		(5) Two 100' extension cords are required.

           k. Station number 11

           		(1) Weather.

           		(2) Located in tent north of the Sub-Fire Station Number 2,
           		along the A-10 ramp.

           		(3) Telephone numbers 825 (Tactical)

           		(4) M8Al will be located 100' upwind of the nearest power

           		(5) One 100' extension cord  is  required.

           	l. Station number 12.

           		(1) CES Fire Department.

           		(2) Located at Sup-Fire Station Number 1 near the Main
		along the A-10 ramp.

           		(3) Telephone number 1s 501 (Tactical).

           		(4) M8A1 will be located 200' upwind of building.

           		(5) Two 100' extension cords are required.

           	m. Station number 13.

           		(1) maintenance Job Control.


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