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File: 120596_aacnq_13.txt
Page: 13
Total Pages: 27


                                                              APPENDIX   B
                                                  CHEMICAL  MONITORING  TEAMS
            1. Seven teams will be formed upon implementation of this regula-
            tion. Teams will consist of one NBCS technician plus one augmen--
            tee except for the Aircraft and Ammo decon teams which will
            consist of the Team Chiefs and other team members as required.
           2. The NBCS teams will use M255 kits, Chemical Agent Monitors
           (CAMS), and M8A1 Alarms. The decon teams will use M256 Kits.
            3. At the direction of the Wing Commander, the monitoring teams
            will position themselves as follows:
                        	(a) Team 1 will be at the DCC tent in Tent City.

                       	(b) Tam 2 will be at the MABCO compound. .
		(c) Team 3  will be at the SRC.
            		(d) Team 4 will be at the CRS Facility just southeast  of the
            		23 hammerhead.
            		(e)  Team 5 will be at the NBCS office.

            		(f) Team 6 will be composed of personnel from the Ammo Decon
           		 Team and will monitor  near the Ammo Control Center
            	4. Specific areas to be monitored will depend on weather condi-
            	tions and type of attack.

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