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File: 120596_aacwy_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 34

 7. Professional Intelligence. The aeromedical evacuation
 personnel lived in hard quarters at Ramstein AB. There were
 no unusual medical problems noted at Ramstein AB-and
 surrounding areas.

8. Flight Medicine Program. Not applicable.

 9 Observations and Recommendations.

 A. Flight surgeon taskings need to be clarified.

 1. Observation: Taskings of flight surgeons
 assigned to the AECE were-not formally defined
 or standardized to support aeromedical

 2. Discussion: The role of flight surgeons aboard
aeromedical evacuation missions is discussed in
 paragraph 3-7, AFP l64-2. However, the role of
 flight surgeons assigned to an AECE is not
 defined. The concept of operations for
 aeromedical evacuation initially required flight
 surgeons on 100 percent of tactical missions and
 80 percent of CONUS missions. Only 12 flight
 surgeons were assigned to the AECE at Ramstein
 F AB, an insufficient number to assign a flight
 surgeon to 80 percent of the CONUS missions.
 Since there is no formalized structure for the
AECE nor formal guidance on how to manage and
 task flight surgeons, each AECE commander
 determined how and when to task them.

 3 Recommendation: Determine and document in an
 Air Force or Department of Defense level
 regulation a standardized role for flight
 surgeons assigned to the AECE. In addition, a
 standardized structure to administratively and
 professionally manage flight surgeons assigned
 to the AECE also should be developed and
 documented in the same regulation.

 B. Military health care as an inpatient was not
available to medical crewmembers assigned to Ramstein AB.

1. Observation: Medical crewmembers assigned to
 Ramstein AB were not authorized to be admitted
 as inpatients to the only military hospital
 supporting military personnel assigned to
 Ramstein AB.

 2. Discussion: In peacetime, the military
 community at Ramstein AB is supported by an Air
 Force Clinic on Ramstein AB and by the Ramstein
 Army Regional Medical Center (LARMC) in nearby

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