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File: 120596_aacwy_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 34

 Identified as an asset on the DOC statement, or
 TPFDL. For example: the 40th AES deployed with
 4 complete contingency kits and 10 WRM kits.
 Significant problems were encountered in
 obtaining authorization to deploy with kits.
 logistics personnel were reluctant to include
 the kits in load plans because there was no
 requirement to include the kits in the TPFDL.
 After instructions were sent from HQ MAC to
 authorize shipment, logistics personnel had no
 idea of how many pallet positions to allow per
 kit since no LOGDET exists for contingency kits.
 This prevented effective load planning until
 units could actually build a pallet to validate
 space, volume, and weight requirements. This
 resulted in confusion, delay, and heightened
 levels of frustration during a period of maximum
 airframe utilization. LOGDETs specific to
 aeromedical evacuation groups fared no better.
 The present LOGDETs for AELTs, MASFs, and AECCs
 still contain old gas powered vehicles, if any,
 (with totally different weights than diesel
 vehicles) and other outdated information. These
 inaccuracies make it extremely difficult to
 create accurate load plans. Unplanned,
 nonstandard aircraft load requirements, which
 cause delays have no place in wartime

 3. Recommendation: HQ MAC needs to develop
 standard equipment requirements for logistics
 functions and include them in TPFDLs.
 Additionally, existing LOGDETs need to be
 updated immediately. This will allow for proper
 planning during deployments and eliminate
 confusion. Each unit or UTC needs to have
 current types and amounts of equipment
 authorized and validated for deployment.

 I. WRM contingency kits were an ASF/MTF responsibility.

 1. Observation: the 10 WRM asset contingency kits[
 at this location were assigned to the ASF/MTF
 for inventory, accountability and restocking.
 ASF/MTF personnel did not know what the kits
 should look like, what should be in them and
 where items should be located. The comment,
 what do we do with these kits when we don't
 even know what they are? Could be frequently

 2. Discussion: The personnel tasked with
 restocking and maintaining the contingency kits
 had the least knowledge of the assets. The
 aeromedical evacuation logistics personnel. Even

 page 8

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