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File: 120596_aacxd_06.txt
Page: 06
Total Pages: 21

    Page 6                26 Sep 90 - 1700 Hours
                         OPERATION DESERT SHIELD

                  (SOURCE: J- 4 BRIEFING DOCUMENTS unless otherwise noted)

    - Blood Inventory (ASBPO report: as of 260300L Sep 90 )

    -- Units in AOR
--- 3001 units liquid RBC
  --- 5990 units frozen RBC
  --- 447 units fresh frozen plasma (FFP)

  Units in USECOM
  --- 2191 units liquid RBC
  --- 255 units frozen RBC
  --- 596 units FFP

  Units on USNS Comfort (included in total)
  --- 2242 units frozen RBC
  --- 1500 units capable deglycerolize

  Units on USNS Mercy (included in total)
  --- 1654 units frozen RBC
 --- 1654 units capable deglycerolize  

    -- Units in AO to expire within 7 days: 203 units liquid RBC

 -- ASWOPL I McGuire: 405 units liquid REC
                                        93 units fresh frozen Plasma
                                      180 units frozen blood
  CENTCOM confirmed requirements, weekly liquid RBC quota: 810 from 600
      Beds in Theater: 2389
       -- 350 host nation beds (all in Babrain)
    - --- 250 - Salmoniya Hospital (civilian hospital)
   ----  100 - Mi1itary hospital
  -- 325 AF beds (Note: HQ TACOPS/SG reports 425 beds based on
        ATH equip packages in theater & ability of staff to surge if

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