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File: 120596_aacxn_08.txt
Page: 08
Total Pages: 25

	CONTINGENCY SUPPLIES: (U) The Bulk Storage Area relies primarily
          on the two temporary six inch pipes from the Ras Tanura Refinery This will
          change once ARAMCO finishes construction on the permanent 12 inch pipeline.
          Upon completion, the 12 inch pipe will be used as the primary and the two 6
          inch pipes will be used as a backup source of fuel transport. Should both
          pipes be damaged, the POL would once again have to rely on fuel tanker trucks
          to maintain stock levels.  This fuel would originate at the plants in Ras
          Tanura, Jubail, and Dhahran, SA. USAF fuels personnel believe KFIA could
          conduct its wartime fighter mission for approximately eight days without a
        resupply of fuel. If all six 1.6 million gallon storage tanks on KFIA were
        destroyed there is still enough fuel stored in portable bladders (950,000
          gallons) to conduct wartime operations for one day. Fuels personnel also
          maintain 10 spare fuel bladders which can be up and running in 6 to 8 hours.

          (U) The Fuels Storage Area is limited to the use of two of its six 1.6 million
          gallon tanks. The other four tanks could not pass corrosive tests and the
          fuel is unsuitable for aircraft use.   SAMAREC officials believe the jet fuel
          reacted chemically with the fuel previously in the pipeline. Fuel transfer
          through the two six inch pipes has been halted and the fuel farm is receiving
         approximately 100 trucks or fuel per day to maintain stock levels.
        Additionally, SAMAREC is blending the fuel in the four unusable tanks until
        the product is suitable for aircraft use.

         --MUNITIONS: (U) There are three munitions storage areas on KFIA.
          Two of the areas are a combination of assets from the 23rd and 354th Tactical
          Fighter Wings. This area is located inside the inner perimeter of the base
         and entry is gained through several phases of security ECPs. The third
        storage area is primarily 1st Special Operations Wing (SOW) assets with some
          overflow of TAC assets.

          OFFENSIVE MUNITIONS FOR THE A-10: (U) Munitions on hand for
          the A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft are: AGM-65B, Electrical Optical
          Air-to-Ground Missiles; AGM-650D, Infrared Sensor Air to Ground Missiles;
          MK-82HD, 500 pound High Drag General Purpose Bombs, KK-82 LD, 500 pound low
         drag General Purpose Bombs; CBU 52 and CBU 58, Cluster Bomb Units; LUU-l,
          LUU-2, LUU-5, Lumination flares; MK20, Anti-tank Bombs; 30 mm High Incendiary
         Armor Piercing; 30 mm High Incendiary; MK-8q (2,000 lb bombs) General Purpose
        munitions; CBU-87 Combined effects munitions; CBU-89 mines.

          DEFENSIVE MUNITIONS FOR THE A-10: (U) Munitions on hand for
         the A-10 Thunderbolt are: M 206 Flare/M796 SQUIBB Aircraft-Countermeasures
         Flare; CHAFF/BBU35 SQUIB Countermeasures for Radar; A1M-9L (AUR), Air
        Intercept Missile (Sidewinder). 

          OFFENSIVE MUNITIONS THE F-16: (U) Same as the A-10 above.

          DEFENSIVE MUNITIONS FOR THE F-16:-(U) Same as the A-10 above.       
          In addition, the F-16s carry 20MM munitions.

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