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File: 120596_aacxn_20.txt
Page: 20
Total Pages: 25

   equipped modular ambulances. Their supply system is also similar to that of
   the  354th.

     The 1611th AECE will move coalition force and EPW casualties from the front
     lines to an area where they can receive medical care. Incoming patients are
     received by the Medical Clearing company, which provides initial treatment,
   evaluates patients, and determines the extent or injuries or if the patients
    were in contact with chemical or biological contaminates. Patients may then
    be transported by helicopter to the 8th Evacuation Hospital (8th Evac) where
    they receive further treatment. Depending upon the extent of the patient's
    injuries, they may be transferred to the Aeromedical Staging Facility (ASF) or
    the Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility (MASF). The MASF, a 50 bed facility,
   will move casualties by C-130 to 3rd echelon medical facilities located within 
 the theater of operations (Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation). Additionally
   the MASF holds patients who are to be returned to duty within 7 days for 6-8
    hours before they are moved to another MTF. The ASF, a l00 bed facility, will
   move causalities by C-l41 to 3rd echelon facilities in Europe (Strategic
    Aeromedical Evacuation). The 1611th AECE has 138 personnel assigned: Four
   flight surgeons, ten Tactical (TAC) Aircrews , ten Strategic Aircrews (two
flight nurses and three medical technicians per aircrew). The rest of the
1611th is comprised of command, administrative and support personnel.

                 - - CONTINGENCY SUPPLIES: (U) During hostilities, the two ATH's
     will share in the treatment/stabilization of casualties. At present there are
     four casualty collection points, these are: Contract Dining Hall, Fire Station
     One, Flight Line Dining Facility and the Tent City Mall Area. Evacuation of
    casualties to 3rd echelon facilities will be coordinated through the Joint
    Medical Regulating Office at USCENTCOM Headquarters in Riyadh.

              SECURITY: (U) The 354th ATH is located in the same compound as
    the Water Treatment Plant (See Water, Life Support CTA's). Entrance into this
    compound is gained through two entry control points located at the north and
     south side of the compound, guarded by USAF Security Police or hospital
     personnel.  ECP procedures appear adequate.   Nighttime lighting in this
    compound is adequate. The 31st ATH is located inside the USAF tent city (See
    Billeting, Life Support CTAs). Unarmed hospital personnel provide security
    for the immediate area around the hospital. Security into tent city is one of
     the best on KFIA.  The 1611th AECE is essentially an open compound. Security
     for the 1611th AECE consists of concertina wire along the west side of their
     compound and concertina around the EPW treatment/holding area. Security is
     provided by 354th Security Police personnel. Lighting for the 1611th AECE is
     virtually non-existent; however plans for a generator-powered lighting system
     are in the works.
                       -ABGD FORCES: There are no ABGD forces assigned to KFIA. The
     USAF Security Police provide flightline, ECP, main gate, and roving internal
     security patrols.  Two 4-man fire teams  patrol the outer perimeter area during
     hours of darkness.  The 354th SPS has a Base Defense Operations Center (BDOC)
     which is the main operations center for ABGD and Law Enforcement functions.

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