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File: 120596_aaczf_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 22

 A: That's correct.
 Q: You were in the instruction business at Ramstein?

 A: Yes, after I went to Ramstein, since I'd been in the air-
 plane already one year, after I'd been at Ramstein for
 about a year, then I upgraded to be an instructor. And
 about six months after that, I became a flight examiner.
 Q: How did you like instructing?
 A: Oh, I enjoyed it quite a bit because you get to pass on
 a little bit, hopefully, of what you've learned to guys
 coming in. So it's quite challenging and I think it's
 what everybody shoots for when they start out. The
 instructors are always the guys who influence you.

 Q: That was in a Standardization and Evaluation flight?
 A: Yes, that was when I was flight examiner.
 Q: You did that for over three years?
 A: I was stationed there for three years, but I was not a
 flight examiner until about the last year.

 Q. And how did you get lined up with this Air Staff Training
 Program at Headquarters USAF?
 A: There was a program going on at the time with a board
 that would choose about 75 captains every year to go out
 of their primary duty, and go to the Air Staff for one
 year. This allowed some broadening, to learn about the
 Air Staff and to supposedly get the big picture of the
 Air Force. Since it was a competitive program, it was
 considered an honor to get picked for something like
 that. I went ahead and applied for it and got picked to
 do it.

 Q Was it everything you expected it to be?
 A: It was a good year. About a year was all I wanted to
 spend at the Pentagon, but it was interesting. I learned
 a lot about the Air Force and a lot about how the Penta-
 gon works, at least at that time.

 Q: That was October 1985 to October 1986.
 A: That's right.
 Q: And then you moved here to Seymour Johnson in October
 1986. And you served as the flight commander in the
 336th Tactical Fighter Squadron until November 1988.

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