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File: 120596_aaczf_22.txt
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been assassinated; that they were going to call me a liar
and threaten to kill me. I didn't like it, but I kind
of expected it and it didn't really surprise me when it
 happened I can imagine if you hadn't been through any
 training at all it could be, depending on your state of
 mind, pretty devastating.

 Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add before we close?

 A: The one thing I would add is that I hope no one is ever
 put in that situation again. I think after what we've
 learned, well, if you just keep faith in your country
 you're not going to be forgotten, that's for sure. Don't
 give up hope. As long as you're alive, as long as you're
 still living, you've got hope.

 A: On behalf of the Association of Graduates, I thank you
 most heartily for a very informative interview.

 Coordinated with Maj Griffith on 28 June 1991

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