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File: 120596_aaczo_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 3

 salmonella and that 27 percent of those tested also showed
 positive results for the presence of parasites known to be
 present in contaminated fresh vegetables.

 (U) The illness manifested itself by the evening of 2
 December 1990. Affected personnel displayed symptoms of fever,
 chills, nausea and diarrhea. The patient would begin to improve
 within 36 hours and would be eligible for discharge within three
 days. Treatment included administering fluids intravenously,
 prescribing bedrest and the giving of supportive care.


 On Sunday, 2 December 1990, Colonel Lennon, the 48 TFW
 commander, initiated a wing-wide recall in response to a real-
 world alert from CENTAF following confirmation of an Iraqi
 missile launch. [(b)(1)sec3.4(b)(1)] CENTAF notified the wing
 command post of an Air Defense Warning Yellow Alert which had
 been called by Central Command officials when the missile launch
 was verified. Within two and a half hours the 48th placed its
 entire fleet of mission capable F-111Fs on alert and had loaded
 them with munitions in accordance with the Air Tasking Order in
 effect at the time.

 	The 48th Tactical Fighter Wing was the first unit
within CENTAF's control to call in with personnel strength
 accountability and the first unit to call to higher-headquarters
 with all mission ready aircraft loaded with appropriate


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