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File: 120596_aadab_10.txt
Page: 10
Total Pages: 25

	A few days before the UN deadline, almost all sections of
the base went back to twelve-hour shifts and had twenty-four hour
coverage. Additionally, all days off were canceled to place the
wing on a war footing and ensure all preparatory actions were
completed. The combat support group also opened a survival
recovery center (SRC) in group shelter six. The SRC consisted of a
24-hour command center for base recovery actions and other combat
support group functions during wartime It contained
representatives from air base operability. explosive ordnance
disposal, civil engineering, security police, communications and
other -functions, headed by Colonel Benson on one shift and
Lieutenant Colonel Murtaugh on another shift. The group command
staff and the various representatives would control actions of CSG
agencies throughout the base to ensure efficient recovery actions
in the event of attack or other emergencies, as well as coordinat-
ing the more routine support provided to the base during wartime.

		Combat Mission Operations

Day One
	Shortly after the United Nations deadline of 15 January
1991 passed and Iraqi forces refused to withdraw from Kuwait,
hostilities began between the Allied coalition led by the United
States and the Iraqi military occupying Kuwait. The United States
launched its attack shortly after midnight on the night of l6/17
January.  The first combat mission flown by the 48th Tactical

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