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File: 970207_aadbo_002.txt
Page: 002
Total Pages: 2

                       probability of terrorist attack.

             2. Water Monitoring.

                  a Vulnerability. In conjunction with CE and SP a
                  vulnerability assessment must be performed of the water
                  distribution system.

                  b. Chlorine Demand. As a minimum, chlorine demand should
                  be used as an indicator of water potability. Chlorine
                  demand is determined by checking the chlorine level and then
                  resampling the source after 30 minutes and comparing results
                  to determine if there is a "demand".

                  c. Bacteriological Monitoring. Bac'ts should be performed
                  on a spot-check basis until a decision is made if the water
                  distribution system is to be used to provide potable water.
                  If the water distribution system is approved as the source
                  for potable drinking water, monitoring should be performed
                  on a weekly basis as a minimum.

                  d. Water Buffalos & Lyster Bags. Don't forget about the
                  water buffalos and lyster bags that are in use through-out
                  the base. These assets have to be monitored periodically
                  also. Chlorine residual monitoring and sanitary surveys are
                  essentially all that is needed. Ensure the water spigots
                  are high enough off the ground that wild animals can not use
                  them as a water source. NOTE: Cool water can be obtained
                 through the use of Lyster bags You'll find the water to be
                  10 to 20 degrees cooler from the Lyster bags than from the
                  water buffalos.

                  e War-time Biological & Toxin Monitoring Capability. We
                  are developing this kind of monitoring capability. More
                  information on this subject to follow.

             3. Water Consumption.   Personnel will have to drink large
             quantities of water to replace that which is lost due to the
             heat. Forced water intake may be required to get people to
             consume the required amount of water. Most people will not
             realize they are becoming dehydrated until its too late. It
             takes very little time to become dehydrated in desert conditions.

           4. Direct all questions concerning this message   [(b)(2)]

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