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File: 970207_aadcd_002.txt
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                                                    DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE
                                                             APO  NEW YORK 09298

        REFLY TO: SG
        SUBJECT: Medical After-Action Report RCS:  HAF-SGH (AR) 7901
        TO: CENTAF (Rear) / SG

       1. Reference. Concept of Operations, Aeromedical Evaluation
        (AE) Strategic HUB Operation Concept.

        2. Concept. The 5th Tactical Aeromedical Staging Facility was
        an operating component of an aeromedical evacuation "HUB" which
        also comprised a Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility, MASF (for
        tactical aeromedical airlift) an Aeromedical Evacuation Control
        Element, AECE (to coordinate aeromedical airlift operations), a
        Medical Clearing Company (U.S. Navy) (to receive initial
        battlefield casualties). The Aeromedical Staging  Facility was
        responsible for strategic aeromedical evacuation out of theater
        to third and fourth echelon medical facilities.

        3. Significant Activities. l5 Jan 91, 2lst APSS arrived at Al-
        Jubail IAP, l6 Jan 9l remaining ASF personnel arrived from 52nd,
        23rd, and 35th APSS and the 4449MOB. 17 Jan 9l, Operation Desert
        Storm commences. 20 Jan 9l the ASF is strategic aeromedical
        evacuation mission operational. l Feb 9l, first live air
        evacuation mission. Fourteen more live air evacuation missions
        follow until last mission is supported on 8 March 9l. 452
        patients were air evacuated to Northern Europe of which 38 were
        battle casualties. The 5th Tactical Aeromedical Staging Facility
        deactivated on 7 March l99l.

       During this period Nursing Service planned, organized, conducted
       and documented over  140, hours of in-service training, in a wide
       variety of Medical and Nursing specialties, for personnel of the
       ASF,  AECE, and MASF. Of this, 54 hours of C.E.U.'s necessary for
       professional relicensure, have been applied for through the
       Educational Program at Patrick AFB Hospital, which supplied the
       proper documents and guidelines.

       The ASF training program was instrumental in preparing and
       integrating the skills available when four different units were
       combined. To  further enhance  our  educational objectives  a
       training program was also developed between medical units of the
       British,  Norwegians, Marines and Navy. These programs also had
        the additional purpose and  benefit of establishing  inter-service
        medical care and aeromedical operation knowledge.  

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