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File: 970207_aadce_014.txt
Page: 014
Total Pages: 54

  MEDICAL PLATFORMS/ASSEMBLAGES                                              odrMedlcal      ~l
    |                                                                            \earned~}
     EUROPE                                                                     6               ~l
       500 BED CONTINGENCY HOSPITALS (4 Sites - 3,250 Beds)
          - Provides resuscitative, general and specialized                                     l
          surgery, post-op stabilization and medical/dental care                                l
          - Can perform 64 major surgeries and accommodate                                      l
             150 inpatient admissions and 50 outpatients each day
            FIXED FACILITIES (6 Sites - 490 Beds)                                             |
             - Provides base level medical care                                                  ~
             - Expanded in support of DESERT STORM                                               I

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