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File: 970207_aadch_013.txt
Page: 013
Total Pages: 46


             1. Approximately 2500 cases of gastroenteritis attributed to
        foodborne transmission were reported in USAF personnel during 16
        disease outbreaks between August 1990 and 16 March 1991. This
        figure represents 32% of all gastroenteritis cases seen at
        USCENTAF MTFs. It does not include or account for ill persons
        that did not seek treatment or those treated at non-USCENTAF
        MTFs. No food sabotage is suspected. Food facilities implicated
        in these disease outbreaks include hotel and other commercial
        restaurants, local national catering services, US-supervised
        dining tents manned largely by third country nationals, and local
        national military dining facilities. Foods implicated include
        green salad, cream filled pastry, baked turkey, smoked veal
        sandwich, spaghetti/meat-sauce, ham/tuna casserole, scrambled
        eggs, ice, milk, and yakisoba. To our knowledge, MRE's were not
        implicated in any foodborne illness outbreak investigations.

            2. The following information was reported to USCENTAF/SG by
       the USCENTAF MTFs. In most cases, detailed reports were not
       submitted. We've included as much information as is presently
       available to us. Outbreak summaries:

                 a. August 1990, Jeddah: 70 cases of gastroenteritis
       were attributed to food served in a hotel restaurant where
       USCENTAF personnel were temporarily billeted.

                 b. August 1990, Bateen: 30 - 40 cases of
       gastroenteritis were seen daily for 7 - 10 days. The suspected
       source was ice from an off-base host nation ice plant. Entameaba
       histolytica and giardia were detected by a local national
       laboratory in patient stools. Coliform organisms were cultured
       from the suspect ice.

                  c. August 1990, A1 Minhad: 30 - 40 cases of
       gastroenteritis were seen daily for 14 days. Entameoba
       histolytica was detected by a local national laboratory in
       patient stools. The suspected source was uncooked vegetables
       from an on-base host nation military dining hall. Sanitation
       practices were described as grossly inadequate.

                 d. September 1990, Dharhan: 13 U.S. Army personnel were
       diagnosed with laboratory confirmed Salmonellosis. The suspected
       source was a local national chicken stand at a nearby port. USAF
       personnel did not have access to this facility.

                 e. September 1990, Cairo West: "Focdborne illness
       outbreak due to milk served against EH recommendations".

                  f. September, A1 Dhafra: 300 cases cf AGE presented in
       a 10 day period. Ice from a host nation source was suspected.  


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