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File: 970207_aadci_002.txt
Page: 002
Total Pages: 139



On 13-15 May, 1991, following termination of ODS hostilities,
SGHR convened a meeting at Bolling AFB to discuss "Lessons Learned"
from Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Participants included
readiness personnel from the MAJCOMs, ANG, AFRES and ARPC. Among
the data-collected (see attached point paper) were 800+ detailed
lessons learned, submitted via the JULLS and/or the AFRAP, or
directly via the MAJCOMs. SGHR, in conjunction with the Medical
Readiness Center, assigned OPR's and OCR's, and referred all ARC-
related items to the Medical Readiness Assessment Group (MRAG).
This group, originally chaired by SG2 and co-chaired by MA to
AF/SG, subsequently became co-chaired by MA to AF/SG and the ANG
advisor to AF/SG, and reported to SG2. Membership comprised
representatives from the MRC, SGHR, AF/REM, and NGB/SG.

Initially, because of much duplication, the-items were
combined into approximately 200 items which were then segregated
into one of the following categories: Mobility/Mobilization;
Logistics; C3I; Training; Personnel; AE (HQ AMC addressed all AE
issues other than patient tracking); and Blood. The MRAG reviewed
and validated each item, and further reviewed the nature and extent
of remedial actions taken, or made recommendations for actions to
be taken. The MRAG again consolidated issues where indicated.

The background, discussion and recommendation language was
preserved as originally submitted, with but minor rewording. The
actions required, actions completed and (recommended) status
reflect the opinions of the MRAG. The MRAG then briefed AF/SG, and
modified the final document to incorporate his recommendations.

As of 3 Aug 94, of the original 800+ items submitted, only 29
remain open. The MRAG shall continue to review these open items on
a bi-annual basis.

-Maj Gen Willoughty/MA to AF/SG[~?(2?] 3 Aug 94

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