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File: 970207_aadci_027.txt
Page: 027
Total Pages: 139


                                  DESERT STORM
                             MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                         MOBILITY/M081LIZATION CATEGORY
        (SGHR ITEM NO. 197)
        DISCUSSION: Hospital marshaling teams were a valuable asset when available.
        Very Important to efficient flow of ATH. Teams need to be made up of both
        mobility and non-mobility personnel. Ensure proper control of Items during
        movement. Less problems with preparation and movement of ATHs were
        encountered when marshaling teams were used.
        RECOMMENDATIONS: Use marshaling teams whenever possible. Include this
        recommendation In TAC REG 400-10 in next revision.
        ACTIONS REQUIRED: Update of ACCREG 400-10.
        ACTIONS COMPLETED Checking with ACC on ACCREG 400-10 guidance.
        STATUS: Recommend closure

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