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File: 970207_aadci_029.txt
Page: 029
Total Pages: 139


                                    DESERT STORM
                              MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                           MOBILITY/MOBILIZATION CATEGORY
        (SGHR ITEMS NO. 230)
        DISCUSSION: Deployed personnel, especially from ARC arrived in AOR without
        proper eye inserts or eye glasses. ATH does not have capability. MEDSOM
        tasked to provide optical support in the AOR. Services provided was unable to
        meet the demands.
        RECOMMENDATIONS: Air Force should coordinate with the Army to ensure that
        optical service provided by MEDSOM is updated and aware of USAF requirements.
        ARC needs to ensure their personnel deploy with required equipment. ,
        ACTION RE'O,UIRED: Development of an optometry UTC that can support Air Force
        requirements where MEDSOM support is not available or viable.
        ACTION COMPLETED: Optometry UTCs, one with equipment and one with required
        personnel, have been developed, ATC is the managing MAJCOM. The new UTCs are
        being submitted into the JOPS systems.
        STATUS: Recommend closure.

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