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File: 970207_aadci_051.txt
Page: 051
Total Pages: 139



          LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 21

          (SGHR ITEM NO. 32)

       BACKGROUND: Non-medical units with requirements for medical supplies normally
       establish a supply account. ODS theater requirements presented a challenge for
       medical supply.

       DISCUSSION: In ODS, large volumes of items (e.g., lip balm, sunscreen,
       lotions, etc.) were required. No standard guidance regarding units of issue,
       requirements, procurement or reimbursement. Each MAJCOM established guidance
       for what would be provided. Many MTFs funded, others were reimbursed, other
       bases worked through base supply.

     RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) Publish uniform requirements for all deploying forces.
       (2) Publish standard procurement guidance.

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: Revise AFM 67-1, Vol 5, guidance.

      ACTIONS COMPLETED: AFM 67-1, Vol 5 has been revised to address guidance for
       procurement. Establishing requirements is a theater responsibility through
 I     planning process.

       STATUS: Recommend closure.

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