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File: 970207_aadci_082.txt
Page: 082
Total Pages: 139

         C3I ISSUE NO. 15 MTF Bomb Threat Procedures
         (SGHR ITEM NO. 33)
        BACKGROUND: Numerous USAF, MAJCOM, and JCAHO guidelines require MTF evacuation
        plans be developed. Guidance is general and does not address specific
        evacuation policies for MTFs.
        DISCUSSION: During increased THREATCONs imposed during ODS, several bomb
        threats were received against AETC medical assets, resulting in two total MTF
        evacuations at one regional hospital. Total evacuation of inpatient MTF is
        inherently difficult and dangerous. Medical, Security Police, Disaster
        Preparedness, and Safety directives provided no guidance to clarify and/or
        authorize a lesser response (i.e., building search, partial evacuation) as is
        recommended to civilian MTFs.
        RECOMMENDATIONS: Clarify appropriate building evacuation guidelines for MTFs.
        Revise AFI 41-106 with appropriate guidance.
        ACTIONS REQUIRED: Include bomb threat procedures in appropriate documents.
        ACTIONS COMPLETED: New AFI 41-106 contains instructions for addressing bomb
        threat procedures by all MTFs.
        STATUS: Closed.

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