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File: 970207_aadci_094.txt
Page: 094
Total Pages: 139

           TRAINING ISSUE NO. 3 Flight Surgeon Qualifications
           (SGHR ITEMS NOs 174, 180)
           DISCUSSION: Any flight physician with the Aerospace Medicine Primary course
may fill a mobility position for UTC FFQCl, regardless of current flying status
     or currency in the practice of flight medicine. Informal feedback indicated
     that only practicing flight surgeons should be assigned to FFQCls. Other
   personnel required refresher training to perform the mission. Appointment of
     personnel not in flying status pose additional problems regarding chamber
     qualification, equipment issue, and flight pay. Training in ATLS/ACLS was not
   recent for some flight surgeons and proficiency had not been verified.

     RECOMMENDATIONS: Determine if substitute personnel performed adequately.
     Determine if current flying status is required. Adjust cross-utilization
     guidance if appropriate. Ensure flight pay is authorized for FFQC1 personnel.

     ACTIONS REQUIRED: Determine if substitute flight surgeons can adequately
     perform the AE flight surgeon mission and adjust the cross-utilization listing
     if required. Determine if substitute personnel should be placed on flying
     status. Ensure that acting flight surgeons flying missions are authorized
     flight pay. Consider development of an AE FS short course. AMC must determine
     if substitute flight surgeons must have a flight physical, chamber training,

     ACTIONS COMPLETED: HQ AMC has determined that substitute flight surgeons are
     required and were capable of meeting mission requirements. Substitute
     personnel need not be on flying status during peacetime, but, will be placed on
     flying status when ordered to deploy in an AE FS role, and will then begin
   receiving flight pay.


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