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File: 970207_aadci_097.txt
Page: 097
Total Pages: 139

              C3I and TRAINING CATEGORIES
              TRAINING ISSUE NO. 6 Training for Nurses
              (SGHR ITEM NO. 204)

         DISCUSSION: Current training for nurses may lack emphasis on skills needed in
         a wartime environment. Nurses need to be skilled in Trach care, orthopedics,
         ostomy, and wound care. Training concentration in the past has not emphasized
         these areas.

         RECOMMENDATIONS: Redirect CMRT to focus on nursing care. Set up refresher
         training and skills validation fro nursing personnel assigned to mobility

         ACTIONS REQUIRED: Ensure that nursing personnel are trained under new
         guidelines of CMRT and WARMEDs skill specific training.

         ACTIONS COMPLETED: New CMRT and WARMEDs specific guidance has been published
         and distributed. Training accomplishment underway.

         STATUS: OPEN.

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