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File: 970207_aadci_099.txt
Page: 099
Total Pages: 139


                        C3I and TRAINING CATEGORIES                   ~

     TRAINING ISSUE NO. 8 ASF Training

       (SGHR ITEMS NOs. 49, 69, 94, 95, 148)

     DISCUSSION: ASF personnel deployed without appropriate driving training and
       qualifications. Some ASF personnel were not trained to assist AE crews in
       on/off loading patients to/from aircraft. This is not done in peacetime.

     RECOMMENDATIONS: Ensure ASF personnel receive required driver and aircraft
       on/off load training.

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: AMC determine appropriate drivers license requirements and
       issue guidance. AMC develop standardized training guidelines for ASF.

       ACTIONS COMPLETED: All ASF personnel with a standard drivers license are
       qualified. Note: real problem was with special vehicles (e.g., AMBUSs) and
       guidance has been issued to ensure adequate numbers of personnel get qualified.
       Additionally, AMC developed and distributed standardized training guidelines.

       STATUS: Closed.

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