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File: 970207_aadci_137.txt
Page: 137
Total Pages: 139

                 AE CATEGORY
                 AE ISSUE NO. 2 Transportation - Patient Movement
                 (SGHR ITEM NO. 39)
         DISCUSSION: Dedicated missions identified in AE CONOPs were not accepted.
         Opportune airlift may not allow destination flexibility. System needs to be
         tested. The CONOPs was approved using projected patient numbers. There was a
         disconnect with regulating/AE and approximately 43% of patients required re-
         regulation at reception hubs. CONUS C-9 system continued to provide peacetime
         AE movement while fully supporting wartime requirements.
         RECOMMENDATIONS: Create a single manager for patient movement and regulating.
         AMC, through TRANSCOM should offer to host a working group with unified
         commands, ASNRO, and other appropriate agencies.
         ACTIONS REQUIRED: Determine if a single manager is needed for patient movement
         and regulation. If needed, identify a single manager agency.
         ACTIONS COMPLETED: TRANSCOM has been identified as the single manager.
         STATUS: Closed.

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